kolmapäev, 10. jaanuar 2018


Hopscotch game

Türgi rahvamäng / Turkeys national game
Teacher: Nurşin AKMAN


How to Play Hopscotch

There can be any number of players, and a stone is the only object you need to play it. If you are the first player, you draw a figure on the floor with a piece of chalk.
Then you throw the stone inside square one. After that, you have to hop into each square, starting with square 1 and ending in square eight.
If there are two squares together, you jump landing with one foot in each square; but if there is only one square, you must hop on one foot.
When you reach squares 7 and 8, you have to turn back jumping again until square 1. Then you continue playing the next level.
This time you begin by throwing the stone into square number 2. In the next level, you throw it into square number 3. You continue until level 8.
The first player who does all the levels is the winner. The most important thing is that the player has to skip the square where the stone is.
Special Rules of the Game
The game has some rules. If an of the following things happen, the player has to stop and another player takes a turn.
The player can't put his/her foot or feet on the lines of the square.
The player can't jump with two feet in squares 1, 2, 3, and 6.
The player can't fall down.