teisipäev, 27. veebruar 2018


Seven Towers

Türgi rahvamäng / Turkeys national game
Mängu juhendaja: Nurşin AKMAN
Mängijad: Yusuf Bayık ilkokulu

ETTEVALMISTUS: Mängu koht - suur ala. Mänguvahendteks on 7 lamedat kivi,
1 käsi või plastist pall. Lapsed jagatakse kaheks võrdseks grupiks. Kividest
laotakse mänguväljaku keskele torn.

Game venue: Large area
Toys: Seven pieces of flat stone. One hand-made or plastic ball.Toy material: Cotton and cloth pieces are used when the ball is hand made.Preparation of the game: When the ball is made by hand, the cotton is put into the cloth and then it is planted by rolling.
Players: girl and man

Game Description

Before the Seven Towers played with 8 players, the group leaders take a coin to determine their players and the winner gets the right to choose the first player. Then seven flat stones are erected. After selecting the element, the first group is lined up against the stones, distance away. The other group waits behind the stones. When the stones are destroyed, the shooter group starts to escape. The other group, which is the ebe, rushes from behind them and shoots them. While the group of the runner is running behind the group, the other group the elements try to put the broken stones on top and restore them. If they can hit the stones, they win and the shooting goes back to them. If they are shot, the other group takes their place and they become the new midwife.